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0113 3200 750 if you have any queries.

Administration of Medication

1. Medication will only be administered by trained staff. Each team has a trained staff member in the
‘Administration of medication.
2. School only administers prescribed medicine that is required four times a day / before lunch / equally
spaced out.
3. Parent to complete a medication form.
4. Storage of medication is as directed on label in medical room.
5. Medication to be clearly labelled, in date and stored in the medical room
6. Administer as directed by parent/label, log on medical tracker and send confirmation message to parent.
Always check it’s the correct pupil., medicine, dosage, time & route.
7. Return medication to parent upon end of treatment.
School provides ‘Junior Paracetamol’ medication. Annual consent by parent is obtained, and double-checked when
required. Any doses to be recorded on medical tracker.

Medication Form

Please fill in this form if you need school to administer any prescription mediation to your child. The form must be completed in full. Please be advised that school can only administer medication that has been prescribed by a doctor or nurse, with a prescription label and it must be required 4 times a day. If it is needed 4 times a day we are able to administer 1 dose during the school day. Once you have completed the form, you can bring the medicine to the school office.