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 Welcome to Year 5

Our teachers this year are: In Baloo, Mrs. Crossley and in Simba Miss Arnall. 

Miss Smedley, Mrs. Ghosh, Mrs. Akram, Mrs. Coleman and Miss Hussain will work across both classes.


Year Five is a very exciting year with lots going on. Please keep up to date with everything that is happening in both classes on this page or via Class Dojo. Please don't hesitate to speak to your child's class teacher if you have any questions.




Homework is set on a weekly basis for Spellings and Number facts. Timetables are sent out via the app (Timetables Rockstars) and can be accessed at home.  All children have a log in.  This needs to be completed daily, to ensure the children get the best opportunities to succeed. Spellings will be sent out weekly for the children to learn at home. 


Reading Books

Reading is a life skill, so it is so important that your child reads on a daily basis.  Please try to read with your child every night. Encourage your child to read a wide range of books, any reading is better than no reading at all. If you are struggling for reading material, please ask your child to speak to their class teacher.

Reading books must be in school every day so that their progress can be monitored and their name moved up the class reading tree, the children may also need to read during the day. 


PE Kits

Children have PE twice a week. This year that will be on a Wednesday afternoon. It is important for your child's safety, that they come into school in the correct kit.   Please ensure that the your child comes into school on a Wednesday wearing their PE kit (white t-shirt, black joggers/shorts/leggings, black jumper/jacket and trainers).


A New Chapter


 It is a very busy year ahead of us, but we are so excited to get to know you all and fill your brains with knowledge! All you need to do is give 100%.


Please join our class dojo page too! Click on the link HERE to go straight to the website and sign up using your child's code. If you don't have the code please speak to Miss. Arnall  or Mrs. Crossley who will be able to give you your child's individual code. 


Our Autumn B project is 'The Mayans. Who or what were they?!'


In English, we will be reading a range of poems and having a go at writing our own. Later in the half term we will be reading 'Journey to Jo'berg' by Beverley Naidoo and wrting our own cultural stories.

Poetry - Poems - KS2 English - BBC Bitesize

Journey to Jo'berg - We have copies of the text in the Reading Area in the classroom which the children are welcome to borrow.


In Guided Reading we will be reading extracts from a range of texts based on Bonfire Night, Remembrance, The Mayans and Christmas.


In Maths, we will be focusing on Multiplication, Division and Fractions.

Multiplication - Year 5 Multiplying and dividing - Year 5 Maths - BBC Bitesize

Fractions - Fractions - KS2 Maths - BBC Bitesize


In Science,  we will be exploring Forces.

Forces - Forces - KS2 Science - BBC Bitesize


In PE we will be developing our gymnastic skills and learning how to play hockey.


In Computing we will be focusing on video production and e-safety.


In PSHE our learning will be celebrating difference.


In History, we will be learning about The Mayans.

The Mayans - Maya Civilisation - KS2 History - BBC Bitesize


In DT we will be making tree decorations, puppets or toys using a variety of textiles and techniques.

Still Life - Still Life - BBC Bitesize


In Music, we will listen to and appraise a range of jazz and develop our skills playing the glockenspiel.


Our questions in RE are: Why do some people believe God exists? and What would Jesus do?


In Spanish we will be learning about talking about ourselves.

Talking About Yourself - 2nd level Spanish - BBC Bitesize


Please see our medium term plan below and class newsletters for more information.