Welcome to Year 6
Our teachers this year are:
Captain Hook: Mrs. Gibson and Miss. Jones
Tinkerbell: Mrs. Bellanti
Mrs. Spencer, Mr. Coldman and Miss Khan.
Year Six is a very exciting year with lots going on. Please keep up to date with everything that is happening in all classes on this page or via Class Dojo.
(If you don't have the code please speak to Mrs. Gibson, Miss. Jones or Mrs. Bellanti who will be able to give you your child's individual code.).
Please don't hesitate to make an appointment to speak to your child's class teacher if you have any questions.
English and Maths
Both core subjects will be taught in their class by the class teacher, who will be supported by the teaching assistant.
Spellings (in Green books), TTRS and reading of their individual books should be completed daily. They will also be given an additional piece of SATs preparation activities in the Spring Term. All children have log ins for TTRS. These need to be completed daily, to ensure the children get the best opportunities to succeed.
Reading Books.
Reading books are changed weekly.
Please either read with your child or encourage them to read independently nightly for at least 20 minutes each time.
Please encourage the children to read a wide range of books, any reading is better than no reading at all.
Reading books must be in school every day so that their progress can be monitored.
The children may also need to read to an adult during the day.
PE Kits.
Children have double PE once a week. Please ensure that all children have the correct PE kit- which comprises of plain white T.Shirt, plain black leggings/joggers, plain black hoody/jacket and plain black trainers .
PE lessons are on Fridays each week.
Some children will also need a change of clothes for Forest School and outdoor learning during the course of the year, you will be informed if your child is taking part in Forest School.
Don't forget that PE kit needs to be worn for any after school sport clubs too, so must be available for those.
Our Projects
Our projects will be changing as the year progresses, we will update this page and let you know via Class Dojo to keep you fully informed. You will also find links to our work and any examples further down the page.
Our Spring 2 project will continue with our big question:
Why do animals evolve?
In English:
We will continue to explore the book 'When the Sky Falls' by Phil Earle to create a diary entry then move on to the narrative 'Wonder' by R.J Palacio to create a persuasive piece of writing.
In Maths:
We will be focusing on fractions, decimals and percentage, algebra, as well as area, perimeter and volume.
In Science:
We will explore evolution and adaption to answer our enquiry question.
In Computing: We will be programming using micro:bit.
In Geography: We will locate, compare and contrast the four countries that make up the UK.
In Art: We will explore the life and art of William Morris.
In PSHE: We will discuss healthy choice for our physical and mental health.
Here is our Medium Term Plan for Spring 2
This is our half termly newsletter, this will give you up-to-date information about events happening within Y6.