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                 Welcome to Year 3!                         



    Year 3 Staffing


Mrs Gaunt - Teacher (Rex Class )

Mrs Derbyshire - Teacher (Rex Class) 

Miss Jamil - Teaching Assistant (Rex Class) 


Miss Prins- Teacher (Slinky Class) 

Mrs Wall - HLTA (Slinky Class)    

Mrs Barzinji - Teaching Assistant (Slinky)

 Miss Begum - Teaching Assistant (Slinky) 

Autumn B - What makes North America a great place to visit?

In English-This half term we will be investigating the text ‘The Iron Man’ by  Ted Hughes. We will be identifying, selecting and using adverbs within sentences; comparing the film and the book and using drama techniques to explore character actions and feelings. Children will write their own story and explore new characters and events while identifying and developing interesting language to use and think about setting.



In Maths-This term we will carry on and finish our topic of addition and subtraction before we move on to our new topic of multiplication and division. We will look at a range of different methods before looking closely at the 3, 4 and 8 times tables. By the end of the term we will be able to multiply a 2-digit number by a 1-digit number.


Geography -We will be exploring North America this term in geography and will be looking at maps and how to locate continents. We will gain an understanding on the different countries that make up North America and learn about specific landmarks such as the Rocky Mountains range and the impacts of the Mt St Helen's eruption. We will even compare New York to where we live!


In Science-This half term we will learn lots about forces and magnets. We will understand what force is and how we use it day to day and understand what a magnet is and what 'magnetic' means.


In RE -Our focus question in RE will be 'Why is the Bible important for Christians today?' We will be looking in depth at Christianity and learning about specific Bible stories to understand why they are important for Christians and how they live their lives.



In Music- In Slinky class we will be focussing on the song: Let Your Spirit Fly - an R&B song for children. We will listen and appraise, sing and perform the song. In Rex we will be having trombone lessons once a week.


In IT- We will learn about creating media and specifically, stop-frame animation. We will create our own story-based animation!


In PE –We will learn skills in Gymnastics for indoor PE and Football for outdoor PE.  


MFL-We will learn new Spanish vocabulary, learning numbers, colours and how to say our name!



Children are expected to practise reading their reading book for ten minutes every day. A parent or carer will need to sign their reading record once they have listened to their child read. Children will be given weekly spellings each Friday and they will need to learn these spellings for their spelling test which will take place the following Friday. Children will also be given Maths tasks to complete and be expected to practice timetables on TT Rock stars daily. 



PE Kits.

Children have PE once a week for 2 hours.  This will incorporate an indoor PE session and then an outdoor session. 

Both classes can come into school on Thursday in correct PE kit. This is plain black joggers/leggings, a plain white T-shirt and a plain black hoodie/jacket as well as plain black trainers. Shoes MUST NOT be worn for safety reasons. 

 Keep up to date with news about this half term with our class newsletters.

Here are a few useful videos, very popular with year 3, that will help the children with various aspects of English & Grammar! 

 Nouns -

Verbs -

Adjectives -

Adverbs -

Inverted commas -

Commas (lists)


Here are a few useful videos, very popular with year 3, that will help the children with various aspects of Maths! 

Counting to 100 - 

Counting in 3's 

Three times tables song -

Counting in 5's - 

Greater than, less than, equal to -