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                 Welcome to Year 3!                         



    Year 3 Staffing


Mrs Gaunt - Teacher (Rex Class )

Mrs Derbyshire - Teacher (Rex Class) 

Miss Jamil - Teaching Assistant (Rex Class) 


Miss Prins- Teacher (Slinky Class) 

Mrs Wall - HLTA (Slinky Class)    

Mrs Barzinji - Teaching Assistant (Slinky)

 Miss Begum - Teaching Assistant (Slinky) 

Spring A - What was it like to walk in an Ancient Egyptian's shoes?

In English- For the first four weeks of this half term we will be reading the text 'The Egyptian Cinderella' by Shirley Climo this is from our narrative Folk Tale focus. Children will be able to discuss and sequence events; raise and answer questions linked to characters; identify and use prepositions; identify themes and conventions; identify the plot structure of a folktale; identify key features of folktales. Additionally, children will be able to develop ideas for a new folktale and plot these within a story planner. Finally, children will be able to write a folk tale with a series of events, which includes features and focus skills.  By week 5 we will move on to Non-chronological reports where children will be able to; read and identify key facts, gather information from a range of sources, ask and answer questions, exchange information with others. Next, children will be able to; gather information from a variety of sources and identify where information should be placed within a non-chronological structure. Lastly, children will be able to; construct their own non-chronological report which includes:  subordination using because and so; different forms of sentence – statements, questions and exclamations.


In Maths-This term we will continue with our unit 'Multiplication and Division B' where we will begin by multiplying 2-digit and 1-digit numbers together firstly without exchanging before moving on to exchanging. This unit will require us to strengthen and recall knowledge of times tables and partitioning before finishing on scaling.


History -We will be exploring Ancient Egypt in history this term! Ancient Egyptians will be taught for whole of the Spring term. The first 6 questions we will be answering are:

Who were the Ancient Egyptians?; Why was Ancient Egypt the gift of the Nile?; Who were the Ancient Egyptian pharaohs?; Why did the Ancient Egyptians build the pyramid?; What was mummification in Ancient Egypt?


In Science-This half term we will be learning about animals including humans. We will look about food and healthy eating, what are bones are for and identifying and labelling parts of the skeleton.


In RE - Our big question is- Why do people pray?  We will look at Christians, Hindu’s & Muslims to understand the different ways people pray. 



In Music- We will be studying Three Little Birds by Bob Marley. The material presents an integrated approach to music where games, elements of music (pulse, rhythm, pitch etc.), singing and playing instruments are all linked. As well as learning to sing, play, improvise and compose with this song, children will listen and appraise other Reggae songs.


In IT- We will learn about programming and coding with the unit: Programming A - Sequencing sounds. We will be using the app scratch for this unit.


In PE –We will learn to dance the Samba! For outdoor PE we will learn how to play hockey.


MFL-We will learn new how to tell the story of Little Red Riding Hood in Spanish!



Children are expected to practise reading their reading book for ten minutes every day. A parent or carer will need to sign their reading record once they have listened to their child read. Children will be given weekly spellings each Friday and they will need to learn these spellings for their spelling test which will take place the following Friday. Children will also be given Maths tasks to complete and be expected to practice timetables on TT Rock stars daily. 



PE Kits.

Children have PE once a week for 2 hours.  This will incorporate an indoor PE session and then an outdoor session. 

Both classes can come into school on Thursday in correct PE kit. This is plain black joggers/leggings, a plain white T-shirt and a plain black hoodie/jacket as well as plain black trainers. Shoes MUST NOT be worn for safety reasons. 

 Keep up to date with news about this half term with our class newsletters.

Here are a few useful videos, very popular with year 3, that will help the children with various aspects of English & Grammar! 

 Nouns -

Verbs -

Adjectives -

Adverbs -

Inverted commas -

Commas (lists)


Here are a few useful videos, very popular with year 3, that will help the children with various aspects of Maths! 

Counting to 100 - 

Counting in 3's 

Three times tables song -

Counting in 5's - 

Greater than, less than, equal to -