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Welcome to Year 4


Hercules Class

Mr. Hargreaves

Miss Khatoon 

Mrs. Amjad

Mrs. Akram



Robin Hood Class

Mrs. Greenfield

Mrs. Shah




Please keep up to date with everything that is happening in both  Year 4 classes on this page and on Class Dojo. If you need to speak to one of the Year 4 members of staff, please make an appointment at the school office.


Our Projects


Spring 1

 Romans -What were they good for?

In English


Weeks 1 - 3: 

Poetry on a theme – The World of Food by Carl Warner 

Wk1 - Investigate poetry 

Wk2 - Poetic language linked to imagery e.g. metaphors and personification 

Wk3 - Planning, composing and presenting a poem involving imagery 


Weeks 4 - 6: 

Persuasion –  Travel brochures

Wk4 - Investigate writing to persuade 

Wk5 - Focus on grammar - conjunctions, clauses, commas and paragraphs 

Wk6 - Planning and composing a piece of writing to persuade. 

In Maths


Multiplication and Division 

Wk 1 - Factor Pairs, Multiplying by 10 and 100 

Wk 2 – Dividing by 10 and 100 

Wk 3 – Multiplying - Formal Written methods 

Wk 4 – Division of 2 and 3-digit numbers by 1-digit 

Wk 5 – Length and Perimeter 

Wk 6 – Length and Perimeter  

In Science we will be learning about states of matter - solids, liquids, gases.

In History we will be exploring the Romans and how they changed Britain.

In Computing we will be editing pictures.

In PE we will be exploring dance and hockey

In Music we will be learning to play instruments. 

In Spanish we will be learning how to say animals and their habitats.

In DT we will be creating a Roman chariot.

Here are some websites that will help to consolidate some facts - 




Also the website below is for all subjects- just search for different games.




The children will have weekly spellings to practice.   During the spelling lessons your child will have a spelling test.  If your child does phonics they will only be tested on the first 5 spellings from the list.




The children have timetables and maths facts to learn and can access Timetables Rockstars at home.

The children take part in a Government “Times Table Check” in June, along with all Year 4 children across the country. It is important the children practice ALL their times tables at least 3 times per week if not more, throughout the year.



This is very important that children read EVERY DAY. Please encourage them, listen to them and show interest in their reading by asking questions. This helps them to understand their books. Children will be given a reading book within their book band plus a sharing book that they have chosen, this might be trickier for them to read but it has perhaps grabbed their attention and they want to read it. 


Children need to have their reading records signed by an adult every time that they read at home in order to move up the Reading Tree. 

They need to bring their book bags everyday with their reading book. Books will be changed regularly.


PE Kits.

Children have PE once a week for 2 hours.  This will incorporate an indoor PE session and then an outdoor session. 

Both classes can come into school on Tuesdays in correct PE kit. This is plain black joggers/leggings, a plain white T-shirt and a plain black hoodie/jacket as well as plain black trainers. Shoes MUST NOT be worn for safety reasons. 

Robin Hood will be going swimming on Tuesdays also, so will need a swimming kit. 

Swimming is part of the national curriculum and therefore is compulsory.  All KS2 children are expected to be able to swim 25m unaided by the end of the unit.  Some children will achieve this and others will take a little bit longer to become confident. It is an important life skill and therefore we encourage all children to take part regularly and any additional swimming outside of school will benefit them.

Swimming will take part in 2 blocks -  block 1 will be Robin Hood and block 2 will be Hercules. 

What do you need to bring for your swimming lessons?

-swimming costume 

-swim shorts (above the knee)


-hair tie (to tie long hair back)

-a named bag to put all of your swimming things in 

 These items must be brought into school every week. 

Keep up to date with news about this half term with our class newsletters.


Here is the medium term plan