Welcome to Year 2
Woody and Buzz
Welcome to our page! Please keep up to date with everything that is happening in both classes on this page or via Class Dojo.
Please don't hesitate to speak to your child's class teacher too if you have any questions.
Mr Mansey Mrs Harpham
Mrs Wall (PPA cover) Mr Coldman (PPA cover )
Mrs Bostan Miss Partridge
Mrs Begum
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Year 2 Project
What is great about Rochdale?
In English
This half term we will be studying instructions. The text we will focus on is ‘The Disgusting Sandwich’ by Gareth Edwards. We will begin by testing instructions and identifying features before exploring the text in the detail. We will finish by writing our own set of instructions.
In Maths
This half term we will be focusing on money and multiplication and division. Children will identify the amount different coins and notes are worth. Children will recognise that multiplication is repeated addition. They learn the two, fives and ten times table and the associated division facts.
In History
We will be exploring our home town of Rochdale. We will research the history of the town as well as its well-known buildings.
In Science
In Science this half term will focus on living things and their habitats. We will explore living things and how their habitats are suited to them as well as how they obtain their food. We will also explore and compare the differences between living and non-living things.
In Geography
This term we will be linking the Geography to our History work by studying Rochdale. We will then be comparing our home town to a contrasting locality in Zambia.
Our focus question in RE will be ‘What can we learn from scared texts?’ Children will talk about books that are special to us and say why this is. We will also discuss how holy books should be treated.
In DT we will be designing and creating our own book mark. We will be using cutting, sewing and joining skills.
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Class Newsletters
Buzz class Newsletter Autumn A
Woody class Newsletter Autumn A
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Medium Term Plans
Medium term plan Autumn A - Why is it marvellous to be me?
Medium Term Plan Autumn B - How would we survive The Great Fire of London Now?
Medium Term Plan Spring A - What's Great about Rochdale?
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Children have PE every Monday. They will have an indoor PE lesson and an outdoor PE lesson.
Please ensure that your child comes to school on Mondays wearing their PE kit. School PE kit is a plain white t-shirt, black leggings or jogging bottoms (shorts can be worn in the Summer) and plain black trainers. A zipped up hoodie can also be worn in the colder months to keep the children warm.
Children are expected to practise reading their reading book for ten minutes every day. A parent or carer will need to sign their reading record once they have listened to their child read. Children will be given weekly spellings each Friday and they will need to learn these spellings for their spelling test which will take place the following Friday. Children will also be given Maths tasks to complete on the internet.
Reading is a life skill, so it is so important that your child reads on a daily basis. Please make sure that your child reads every single night. Encourage them to read a variety of different books. Record how they read in their reading records.
*Ask your child questions about the book e.g.
-Can you predict what will happen next?
-Can you describe how the character might be feeling?
-Can you summarise the key points in the story?
-Is this fiction or non-fiction? How do you know?
Reading books must be in school every day so that their progress can be monitored and their name moved up the class reading tree, the children will also need to read during the day.
-Encourage your child to practice times tables at home.
-Ask your child mental maths questions as often as possible e.g. when you are sitting in the car/ walking to school/ sitting together at home. You could ask them additions, subtractions, doubles etc.
-Ask any siblings if they can remember a maths game that they played in school and encourage them to play together to make maths fun.
Useful websites
- http://www.broadfield.rochdale.sch.uk
- www.topmarks.co.uk/maths-games
- http://resources.woodlands-junior.kent.sch.uk/interactive/literacy.html
- http://www.bbc.co.uk/schools/games/
- www.ictgames.com
- http://www.literacyshed.com
- www.spellingshed.com
- www.ttrockstars.com
- http://learnenglishkids.britishcouncil.org/en/
Please join our class dojo page too! Click on the link HERE to go straight to the website and sign up using your child's code. If you don't have the code please speak to Mr. Mansey or Mrs Harpham who will be able to give you your child's individual code.
Please keep checking back for updates on what we have been doing!