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Educational Visits


We at Broadfield Community Primary School believe that educational visits provide a great opportunity for children to gain experiences and face challenges  that can contribute significantly to their personal development. We also feel that educational visits can also make a major contribution to the acquisition of knowledge and development of skills.

The benefits of educational visits include:

Performance and Achievement

Cultural understanding

Empathy and Compassion

Relationships and Communication

Social Skills and Confidence

We have our own minibus and we take children out of school as frequently as possible to explore the curriculum, for example, to zoos, farms, museums, castles, parks, train journeys, places of worship, sports stadiums and much more. 

Visitors are also invited into to school to share their expertise enabling children to further explore the curriculum, for example, science shows, theatre shows, chocolate workshops, toy making workshops, creepy crawly shows, farms, planetariums and lots more.

We try to keep contributions for educational visits to a minimum, only asking for contributions when necessary.