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At Broadfield  Primary, oracy plays a prominent role in teaching and learning. The ability to listen actively, speak clearly and communicate articulately is seen as a fundamental part of the learning process. Critically, oracy underpins the development of reading and writing, and is key to progress in all subjects.

Our aim is to promote all forms of communication in our school's community to encourage children to interact and learn through talk. Oracy is embedded across the curriculum and used to unlock new learning and challenge thinking. Oracy is described as learning through talk whilst learning to talk and we understand how this can support the learning of all pupils and provide them with the opportunity to articulate their ideas and learn from each other as they explore new topics. We aim to provide pupils with the skills required to become confident speakers, using strongly embedded strategies aimed to support them beyond their school life.

The National Curriculum for English reflects the importance of spoken language in pupils’ development. Oracy is embedded throughout our broad and balanced curriculum and new strategies are explicitly taught to support learning. Questions are carefully planned to ensure that that all children can fully participate and there is a shared understanding that everyone’s opinion should be valued.

Some of the activities we use to help develop spoken language are:


*EYFS-Talk Tuesdays linked to UW or PSE


*Talk for writing

*Challenge us cards

* Word aware approach

* Group discussions

*Drama/Role play activities

*Kagan structures

*Reflection Friday

*PHSE work

*Biscuit buddies

*Question of the day

*School council/eco school, reading ambassadors

*Forest school and outdoor experiences

*Class assemblies

*Community circle




Here is our Oracy progression map- 

Our Oracy policy-

Our discussion rules and roles -