Rock Stars Day!!
Times Table Rock Stars day 2020!
To help us to learn our times tables and number facts, the whole school took part in a Rock Battle day where each class went into battle to find their TT Rockstars hero! From there, their winner competed against all of the winners in the rest of their unit!! IT was a brilliant day and it has been amazing to see how good the children are at knowing their times table facts! Have a look at the photos below.
Super Learning Days
International Week 2019
In November, the school participated in our annual International Week. This year our focus was on embracing our multi-cultural community and sharing our knowledge of home countries and languages. We learned about a variety of countries from Denmark to Pakistan, Germany to Nigeria. We created fact files, shared own experiences, welcomed parents in for question and answers. There were children within every class who became ‘subject matter experts’ and shared their expertise on language, every day life and all things food and drink.
The highlight of our week was our International Café where every child had the opportunity to learn how to ask for a cake and a drink in their new language. We joined two curriculum areas – Geography and Modern Foreign Languages to develop our enquiry based curriculum where children are encouraged to ask questions about the world around them. We welcomed Councillor Heakin and the local press to experience the delights of the café and they were more than impressed.
Children were encouraged to take part in an International Week competition where they were asked to design a poster to advertise their country. Our winners in both key stage one and two won a globe and an atlas.
It was a fun and interesting week and we look forward to next years International Week!